22 Ways to Create Self Love Through Self Care

22 Ways to Create Self Love Through Self Care

1. Rise and Retire with the sun each day. (In essence, don’t stay up too late and don’t wake up too early) 2. Eat a nourishing, nutrient rich breakfast and fresh green juice every morning. 3. Brush your skin (towards the heart) with a skin brush every day. This...
Savory Indian Tikka Tofu Bake

Savory Indian Tikka Tofu Bake

This yummy tofu bake is a staple meal in our house because it’s super tasty, easy to make, nice and filling plus it can be eaten for several days after it’s first prepared. It’s a great base recipe that you can slightly alter with other ingredients to either switch up...
Paradise Raw Bars

Paradise Raw Bars

Paradise Raw Bars (with macadamia nut cacao fudge and raspberry mint drizzle). This is by far the most crowd-pleasing dessert in my collection. I love it because it’s so rich in antioxidant nutrients that it can even be eaten as a snack. Just because it’s chocolatey,...
Green Glow Beauty Smoothie

Green Glow Beauty Smoothie

Nutrient dense greens mixed with enzyme rich fruits and micro algae create a super blend in this smoothie for glowing skin. A big boost of antioxidants and nutrients are released from plant cells when they are blended into a creamy consistency. By releasing these...