Meet the Founder

Holly Harding, INHC, AADP

Through my studies of over 100 dietary theories at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, along with specialized studies in Ayurveda, genetics, the psychology of eating, and how the microbiome makeup affects the mind and body, I have developed a unique set of identifiers to create bio-individualized nutrition plans that align with each person’s unique body, lifestyle, and specific health needs and goals. In addition, my training in Ashtanga Yoga, Foundation Training and Crossfit L-1 Certification allows me to create individualized, one-on-one fitness programs to coincide with nutrition. I am certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and believe in the power of healing through nutrition.

holly harding one on one nutrition coach
holly harding one on one nutrition coach

“Food shouldn’t be feared and can be a truly enjoyable part of life when you eat nutrient rich foods that work for your individual body type.”

Through my studies and in working with hundreds of clients, I have developed a unique set of identifiers that allow me to create the most ideal, nutrient rich food plans for individual body types. In combination with mindset work and microbiome testing, my programs have a 99% success rate. The success my clients see is the ultimate reward for me!

My studies with the world’s top holistic health and wellness experts include:

h lyfe method favicon Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, Author of Food Politics

h lyfe method favicon Daniel Amen, MD, Author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

h lyfe method favicon Lissa Rankin, MD, Author of Mind of Medicine

h lyfe method favicon Harville Hendrix, PhD, Relationship and Self Help Expert

h lyfe method favicon David Wolfe, Raw Foods Expert

h lyfe method favicon Joe Cross, Author of Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

h lyfe method favicon Neal Barnard, MD, Professor at George Washington University, Plant Based Diet Expert

h lyfe method favicon Pamela Ye, MD, Internal and Holistic Medicine and nutrient rich organic farming expert

h lyfe method favicon Vani Hari, “Food Babe,” Author and Activist

h lyfe method favicon Frank Lipman, MD, Functional and Integrative Medicine

h lyfe method favicon Joel Fuhrman, MD, Nutritarian Diet Author and Expert

h lyfe method favicon Paul Pitchford, MS, Author of Healing with Whole Foods

h lyfe method favicon Sarah Wilson, “I Quit Sugar” Author

h lyfe method favicon Daphne Miller, MD “Farmacology” Author

h lyfe method favicon John Douillard, DC, Ayurvedic Expert

h lyfe method favicon Dan Buettner, National Geographic Fellow, Author of The Blue Zones Solution

h lyfe method favicon Daphne Miller, MD, Holistic Farming Expert

h lyfe method favicon Michele Simon, JD, MPH, Public Health Lawyer and Food Politics Expert

h lyfe method favicon Barry Sears, PhD, Author of The Science of Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition

h lyfe method favicon Andrew Weil, MD, Alternative Medicine Guru

h lyfe method favicon William Davis, MD, Author of Wheat Belly

h lyfe method favicon Tom Malterre, MS, CN, Functional Medicine Nutritionist and Elimination Diet Expert

h lyfe method favicon Kathie Swift, MS, RD, LDN, Integrative Clinical Nutritionist

h lyfe method favicon Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS, LDN, Author of Digestive Wellness

h lyfe method favicon Robin Berzin, MD, Functional Medicine Doctor

h lyfe method favicon Jeffrey Smith, GMO Expert, Author of Seeds of Deception

h lyfe method favicon Susan Blum, MD, MPH, Functional Medicine Guru

h lyfe method favicon Mark Sisson, “Primal Blueprint” Author

h lyfe method favicon Christian Northrup ATD, FACOG, Women’s Health Expert

h lyfe method favicon Walter Willett MD, DrPH, Chair Harvard School of Public Health

h lyfe method favicon Rubin Naiman, PhD, The Sleep Secret

h lyfe method favicon Bernie Siegel, MD, Named top 20 Spiritually Influental Living People on the Planet by Watkins Review

h lyfe method favicon Howard Lyman, Former Rancher turned Organic Farmer, Author of Mad Cowboy

Get more information, risk-free

Schedule a free discovery call to see how The H Lyfe Method can transform your health.

“There’s no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”

I originally studied classical music from an early age, attending the Eastman School of Music and finishing my schooling at Boston University. While working as a classical musician in Boston, I began my first entrepreneurial adventure at the age of 22 by opening Musically Speaking Entertainment, a music entertainment agency, where I booked out myself and other musicians for concerts and events. During this time, I also maintained a career in corporate marketing. At the age of 24, I moved to Hawaii and eventually started Bubble Shack Hawaii, a natural bath, body and candle company.

holly harding before and after

Left: AGE 29 Right: AGE 45

At around age 30 and about five years of pedal to the metal building Bubble Shack, I caught a reflection of myself in a restaurant window, thinking it was someone else. After quickly realizing the person I was seeing was indeed myself, I had a 10 second meltdown and right then and there, in that moment, I made the decision that things had to change. No more running myself into the ground, no more eating every meal on the go and no more filling my schedule so far to the brim that I had no room left to do things I loved or spend time with the people I loved. This dream I had of building my business was somehow trapping me into a life I had begun to dislike because all of the other components no longer mattered. But suddenly they did.

Over the next year, I went on a quest to figure out my body (specifically my weight) and how I could organize my life in a way that could provide balance and health. After digging deep and ridding myself of old ways of thinking and eating, which included perfectionism and limiting beliefs about my own personal potential to have a lean physique,I was able to beat my addiction to sugar and empty carbohydrates and fill my diet with nutrient rich foods. In turn, I lost 40 pounds, my skin brightened, I began to have way more energy and I was able to do the things I loved the most, like surfing, yoga and eventually Crossfit.

In the process of losing those 40 pounds my attitude changed, I felt happier, more energetic and even became more productive in my working hours because I began to have a more balanced life. I also became less of a people pleaser and learned to set boundaries in my life that ultimately created a lot more joy. Eventually, I sold my company, went back to nutrition school and now have a completely different life.

I truly believe when you get your health, nutrition, and fitness in check, magical things start to happen in all areas of life.

Many times:

  • Your self-respect increases.
  • Your list of acceptable behavior from others becomes more defined.
  • Your career blossoms.
  • Your happiness increases.
  • Your ability to achieve in other areas of life compounds.

When we feel better, we’re more inclined to work harder, explore new interests and meet new people. When we feel good about ourselves, we tend to emit a higher level of energy, which ultimately attracts others on the same level and in turn can also attract opportunity.

It’s an amazing feeling when you can use information you’ve implemented first hand to help others live a more fulfilling life! I look forward to leading you through this transformational process!

holly harding online nutrition and fitness coach
Get more information, risk-free

Schedule a free discovery call to see how The H Lyfe Method can transform your health.