Our Philosophy

The H Lyfe Method Approach

I help clients learn how lifestyle factors affect cortisol and adrenal function, stomach acid and insulin resistance and ultimately how they affect each person’s ability to achieve their ideal health and weight. It even means helping clients make major changes such as finding a new career path or even gently helping them recognize and remove their own roadblocks to provide a more balanced life.

As a lifelong entrepreneur, I’ve been in the thick of running small businesses and burning the candle at both ends. I understand the challenges of trying to lead a healthy lifestyle while juggling a busy work life. In my programs, many times we have to dive deep and find ways of creating balance and harmony so ultimately your health can flourish. The magic lies in helping you fix what you may have thought to be unfixable and helping guide you to self healing. The H Lyfe Method is not just another “flip you a meal plan” platform.

holly harding one on one nutrition coach

The 4 Pillars of Health

It’s not just about food… Understanding the whole person and their daily habits is what makes The H Lyfe Method so successful. Part of complete nutrition includes understanding how sleep, emotions, work/life balance and setting boundaries all play a roll in achieving ideal health and weight. As a woman in my 40s, I’m passionate about a concept I like to call “Aging Youthfully.” I believe you can continue to do all the the things you love well into your 80s and even 90s if you properly fuel and condition your body. Individualized nutrition, fitness that’s right for your body type, developing a strong mind, a sense of self and healthy boundaries are all part of the tools and skills you’ll develop in The H Lyfe Method programs.

holly harding one on one nutrition coach


holly harding one on one nutrition coach


holly harding one on one nutrition coach


holly harding one on one nutrition coach

Mind-Body Health

Combining Health & Science

About Microbiome Testing

For most clients, a quick and easy microbiome test can provide life-changing information about what foods work best in conjunction with your own unique microbiome. This simple home test can provide insight into what foods to eat, avoid and how your body processes and breaks down food. Ever feel bloated after eating Brussel Sprouts? This test will tell you why. Feel lethargic after eating steak or can’t understand why certain vegetables make you feel terrible? Microbiome testing will get to the bottom of it and even provide strategies to potentially bring those foods back in at a later date.

When you efficiently digest food, your metabolism optimizes. Microbiome testing can not only be helpful in resolving issues like IBS, bloating, constipation and inflammation, it can also be a key tool in weight loss.

“Holly is awesome. She knows her stuff and really cares. I have worked with her for 6 months. Following the initial consultation, lab work, and a gut analysis, she made several recommendations. My bloating was gone overnight once I eliminated certain foods and added a couple supplements. Total life changer, and she has given me the tools to stick with it. Call her!”

- Jeffrey R

No More Guessing What To Eat.

If you’ve tried every diet under the sun (Keto, Vegan, Paleo, Carnivore, etc.) and want to stop the guesswork forever, microbiome testing will give you crystal clear answers on exactly what to eat for optimum health.

If you’re completely over:

  • being overwhelmed by conflicting information from experts
  • not knowing what foods are best for you personally
  • not understanding why a diet that worked for someone else isn’t working for you
  • not knowing how to cook meals that fit your dietary requirements
  • needing accountability/feedback/tracking
  • having a lack of experience with nutrition and/or fitness training
  • not knowing how to eat well on a budget

Then The H Lyfe Method Microbiome Plan is the best option for you!

View Food As Medicine

Eating the right food isn’t just about a lean physique. When you view food as medicine, that’s when the healing begins and many times, other conditions must first be addressed prior to focusing on weight loss. (if shedding pounds is your goal.) I offer nutrition programs to help support the improvement and self healing of:

  • Autoimmune conditions (Hashimotos/Thyroid)
  • Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Disease
  • PCOS/Perimenopause/Menopause
  • Digestive Disorders (IBS, SIBO, Ulcerative Colitis)
  • Arthritis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Heart and Kidney Disease
  • Fatty Liver
  • Recurring UTIs, BV and Candida
  • Eating Disorders
online nutrition and fitness coaching
Working With Insurance

Use your HSA/FSA to Pay for Coaching

By partnering with Truemed, H Lyfe Method can work with those who qualify to use their pre-tax HSA/FSA funds for coaching. Truemed offers a reimbursement guarantee for those who qualify for a letter of medical necessity. It is free to apply for a letter of medical necessity through Truemed, and if approved, you will just have a $30 co-pay to receive your letter of medical necessity.

Still have Questions?

Common FAQs

No, you can opt to select a plan with or without microbiome testing and coaching.

We think it’s a great idea for everyone because helps to optimize digestion by eating the foods that work best with your microbiome make-up. If you have digestive issues, it’s especially important. If you have zero bloating, constipation, inflammation or loose stools and you currently eat a wide range of foods, you may consider selecting a plan without microbiome testing.

Can I add microbiome testing at a later date?

Yes, we can always add a fitness program at a later date.

It’s recommended. However, we work with each person’s needs and understand this doesn’t work for everyone.

No. Not initially. We believe in first creating a healthy relationship with food and gradually feeding in and feeding out the foods that work best for your body. If weight loss is the goal, once a healthy relationship is formed with food, we may look at various ways of achieving a caloric deficit that will not provoke further disordered eating.

No! We’re big believers in creating healthier versions of your favorite foods so you never feel like you’re depriving yourself.

Yes! In addition, microbiome testing can provide even greater insight.

No. We provide multiple meal options and specific foods that can be organized in any way you wish. We may provide something like 10 breakfast options, 10 lunch options and 10 dinner options and you can choose what day to eat specific meals. Some days you may not be in the mood for a specific meal on a specific day and that’s where programs fail. We also teach you how to gauge portions of each suggested meal so if you’re more hungry at lunch than dinner, you can eat a larger portion of that meal and a light portion of your dinner meal. It’s all about being flexible.

No, we will collect a list of any foods you don’t like in the health history.

We understand for some clients baby steps are required to reach success. Knowing this in advance can help us limit the number of options and tasks given at once. The in-depth health history will reveal your success style and will help us create a plan that you can easily get started with and thrive on.

Yes, some plans include video calls. You can also add sessions at any time.

We dig deep and understand every ounce of what makes you, you. From body type to microbiome make-up to blood type and a full mental profile assessment, your nutrition plan is custom created to give you the best opportunity for success. In addition, the 24 hour support is unparalleled.

Your coach is selected based on your health history and/or fitness assessment. As mentioned above, we dig deep. As long as you provide us with the most accurate and authentic information, you will be perfectly matched with a coach that will help you reach your goals.

We make it easy for those who qualify for reimbursement through their HSA/FSA accounts. A simple itemized invoice can be submitted for reimbursement. See the HSA/FSA section above for full details.

Get more information, risk-free

Schedule a free discovery call to see how The H Lyfe Method can transform your health.